
Pine.... Vase? - May 2010

This is another in a series of posts about my previous projects.  The neighbor across the street took down a pine tree and I went over to grab a chunk of wood.  Good things did not ensue...

Well, I mounted the foot-long pine log into my lathe between centers and went at it. After turning it round, I decided to make a kind of vase. (Originally, I wanted a bowl, but it would have been about a 5" diameter bowl.)

Now the more observant of you reading this may notice that it's not all that hollowed out. It turns out that I didn't make anything except a big mess, but I did learn some things in the process:

1. There's quite a bit of sap in freshly cut pine.

2. Somehow, it's possible that a log that weighs about 8 pounds whole can produce approximately 37 pounds of shavings even with a rather large percentage of the log left.

3. I cannot get a nice cut on green pine, no matter how many times I sharpen the gouge or how slow/light of a cut I make.

4. There's an awful lot of sap in freshly cut pine.

5. Hollowing out something is a hell of a lot harder than they show on TV.

6. Pine is quite a soft wood.

7. When a piece of pine is mounted on a face plate because one does not have a chuck, 1 5/8 inch screws are NOT long enough. Further, it's possible for all 4 screws to simultaneously pull out of a piece of green pine.

8. If the rotational speed of a chunk of wood turning is extended into a straight line, it has an awful lot of momentum, even after pulling out 4, 1-5/8" screws.

9. Wow - there's a hell of a lot sap in freshly cut pine!

10. Quite a bit of adrenaline is released into your system when a large chunk of wood unexpectedly flies off the lathe.

11. When one is done turning a piece of green wood and puts it on the table to take pictures, it does not stop leaking sap.

12. A chunk of semi-turned green pine thrown out the back door at night is enough to put a decent dent in the lawn.

13. Holy hell there's a lot of sap in freshly cut pine!

14. Sap does not wash out of your hair with a single shampooing.

15. Freshly cut pine is rather aromatic, even after you're done and have all 42 pounds of shavings in the waste bin.

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